Paella is a classic Spanish dish originating from Valencia.  It features saffron-infused rice cooked with variety of ingredients such as chicken, rabbit, seafood, and vegetables.

1. Paella(Spain)

 Saffron contributes not only to the yellow color of the rice but also imparts a unique and aromatic flavor to the dish.

1. Paella(Spain)

 Biryani is a fragrant and flavorful rice dish cooked with aromatic spices, basmati rice, and meat (chicken, mutton, or beef).

2. Biryani(South Asia)

Saffron is often used to add both color and a subtle, exotic taste to the rice. It is a key ingredient in many biryani recipes, particularly in South Asian cuisine.

2. Biryani(South Asia)

Risotto alla Milanese is an Italian risotto dish that originated in Milan.  It features creamy Arborio rice cooked with saffron, onions, white wine, and Parmesan cheese.

3. Risotto alla Milanese (Italy)

The saffron not only provides a golden hue to the dish but also imparts a distinct and luxurious flavor.

3. Risotto alla Milanese (Italy)

Zereshk Polo is a Persian rice dish that includes saffron-infused rice served with barberries, creating a delightful combination of sweet and savory flavors.

4. Zereshk Polo (Iran)

It is often accompanied by chicken or lamb, creating a colorful and aromatic dish.

4. Zereshk Polo (Iran)

Nasi Kuning, meaning "yellow rice" in Indonesian, is a festive and aromatic dish often served during special occasions.

5. Nasi Kuning (Indonesia)

Saffron is used to color the rice, and it's accompanied by various side dishes such as fried chicken, eggs, and fried-shrimp krupuk.

5. Nasi Kuning (Indonesia)